How to Recognize Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
MIS-C = A Delayed Immune Response Related to COVID-19
Children, adolescents, or young adults who develop certain symptoms afer having COVID-19
might have MIS-C. Tey should see a doctor if they had COVID-19, or have been in close contact
with someone who had COVID-19, within the past 6 weeks and now have the following:
Ongoing Fever
PLUS more than one of the following:
- Stomach Pain
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Skin Rash
- Blood Shot Eyes
- Dizziness or Lightheadedness
MIS-C is a rare, but serious complication associated with COVID-19. It occurs in children, adolescents and young adults in which diferent body parts can become infamed.
1. Recognize Signs and Symptoms
- Watch for MIS-C symptoms, especially if your child had COVID-19, or has been in close contact with someone who had COVID-19, within the past 6 weeks.
2. Seek Medical Attention
- Even if you aren’t sure your child had COVID-19, call a doctor right away if your child is showing signs and symptoms of MIS-C.
3. Work with Your Healthcare Team
- If MIS-C is suspected, healthcare providers will do tests to look for signs of the condition. These may
• Blood Tests
• Chest X-rays
• Heart Ultrasound
• Abdominal Ultrasound
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